The third week has come to an end. The biggest lesson that I have learned this week is the tortilla. As the Spanish say, “A tortilla is not a tortilla.” They often say that when comparing their tortilla with the other Spanish-speaking countries.
Corn, salt, lemon, and water are the ingredients that form the tortilla throughout Latin America. Although, that is not a tortilla in Spain. Potatoes, onions, and eggs form Spain’s tortilla.
I must say that it is quite a wholesome and healthy meal to start your morning.
Isn’t it interesting how we define things? Clearly, in the food example, Spaniards define a tortilla much differently than people in other Spanish-speaking countries.
The same applies to words like “normal”, “nice”, “patient”, “considerate”, “inspired”, “confident” among others. Often, we subjectively define ourselves and others based on our beliefs.
I used to argue with people to show them their hypocrisy. Thankfully, I have learned that it is not a good use of my time.
It is hard to listen to a person talk about their confidence when they have yet to embrace uncertainty.
I avoid at all costs to be a hypocrite. I truly practice what I preach to you. In the last few minutes of this video, I talk about how we live among uncertainty all the time. In addition, I share why it is easier to embrace uncertainty when you are always surrounded by it.
The terms, expat and nomad, are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.