Enter the lifestyle of an expat entrepreneur.
I chose this lifestyle because it is a great way to experience different parts of the world.
There are many lifestyle entrepreneurs who live nomadic lifestyles. A Google search can expose you to dozens of these success stories.
If you do not have a lot of commitments in your home country, this lifestyle can be a great lifestyle for you.
Ideally, the best strategy is to make money in your native currency, while living in another country with a lower cost of living. You can transfer or even upgrade your lifestyle in another country.
For example, a 3 bedroom house in the United States will usually cost over $1,000 a month.
In Mexico, I paid $385 a month for a 3 bedroom house (including all utilities paid). Initially, the landlord wanted $625 a month, which is still a good deal. However, in Mexico, everything is negotiable.
As a citizen from a Westernized country, you will enjoy a higher quality of life in most parts of the world.
Even if you are a citizen from a developing country, you can still enjoy a higher quality of life in other parts of the world.
Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe has many places that offer a low cost of living.
If you desire this lifestyle, take your country of interest and run it through a checklist. In this video, I offer some things that you should consider before making the move.
Why not integrate yourself in another part of the world to live better and save money simultaneously?
In the video, I have mentioned some ways that you can financially support yourself. Although, I did not elaborate much about being an entrepreneur abroad.
The fastest way to be an expat entrepreneur is to have an online business.
Some common options are the following:
YouTube channel
Some fast ways to monetize those online properties:
Affiliate sales
There is no doubt that it will take some time to generate a full-time income from doing any of the three things. Although, if you combine the three, it will take significantly less time to earn a full-time income. You can also freelance to help supplement your income.
If you really want to start living life to the fullest, I encourage you to learn how to embrace uncertainty. It scares most people, but it is also why most people remain unfulfilled.
Upon the release of the first book in the “Reaching The Finish Line” series, many people told me that moving to Mexico was a bad idea, especially a month after the release of my book. They advised me that I should stay in the U.S. and focus on doing more events.
I did not agree with them. I intuitively knew that the book would still be a success, regardless of my geographic location. My faith had me convinced that I would thrive regardless. I was embracing uncertainty.
So, as planned, I still moved to Mexico on June 1st. A month later, Reaching The Finish Line, became the #1 bestselling book in Mexico. A few months later, it became a bestseller in Spain and Germany.
Embracing uncertainty does not sound sexy, but it can be a thrill to ride an unpredictable wave. How strong is your faith?
Please realize that you cannot control everything, but you can focus on the things that are within your control. I cannot control the way you feel towards me, someone, or anything else. However, I can control about how I feel and react to you, other people, or anything else.
If this lifestyle appeals to you, then it is time that you start reaching your finish line!
If you are not making assumptions and setting expectations, no one or nothing will fail you.