Since the Great Recession, Kallen Diggs has led the effort in helping thousands of people to reach the finish line in their careers. Kallen can sum up his message in one statement: “Success is unavailable to the majority because the majority is unavailable.”
Kallen’s Mission
Keep the U.S. unemployment rate under 5%
It is saddening to see that we are one of the (if not THE) richest country in the world, yet we still have a high unemployment rate. The mainstream media says that the unemployment rate is 4.9%.
Yet, lots of my readers seem to tell a different story from being out there in their local areas. The U.S. government and mainstream media typically refer to the U-3 statistic as the official unemployment rate. This is only a half truth since a significant amount of the workforce are no longer being counted as unemployed. The New York Times agree!
Several think tanks and economists agree that the real unemployment rate falls somewhere between 10-20% (significantly higher than the official rate).
I do not want you to be a victim of the unemployment rate.
With a resource like Reaching The Finish Line, people can get motivated, educated, and be on their way to REACHING THE FINISH LINE within months. I welcome you to be my next success story.
I am here to help the world to reach the finish line
My first book has helped a lot of people around the world, despite its American emphasis. In 2017, I released my second book, Reaching The Finish Line: How to Thrive in the Generation Y Era. Next year, I will be releasing my third book of the series, Reaching The Finish Line: How Success Proves Adversity Isn’t Your Adversary.
Limits only exist in the mind! So, join me as I teach you how to reach the finish line.
“Kudos to Kallen for putting together such an excellent resource. I also appreciate his keen insight, dedicated effort, and altruistic spirit.”
What I’ve Achieved
100+ high school dropouts are now in great careers that pay at least $40k a year.
100+ college dropouts are now in great careers that pay at least $55k a year.
100+ “Average Joes” got full scholarships to college.
100+ people graduated with a bachelor degree within 18 months.
100+ people changed their careers without going back to college nor taking a pay cut.
200+ people have been hired by employers who INSIST that they work from home.
500+ people haven’t failed once in achieving their goals after reading this book
2,000+ people have reached the finish line.
what i’m doing now
Educating 1 million people via my Reaching The Finish Line properties:
My international bestselling book series, Reaching The Finish Line
My internationally syndicated radio show, Reaching The Finish Line (Airing Internationally on AM/FM & Satellite Radio)
My Ask Me Anything video series
My features in Fox News, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Huffington Post